Ideas about technology

Bima Putra
1 min readNov 15, 2020

List idea

Itomori Lake
  1. Make repetitive action so automatically. Let’s say Amazon GO
  2. Time calculation traffic light. So not too long to wait.
  3. You can look feature by another app. You can copy it and execute to your app by your version. Let’s say story feature in Instagram and now available in Whatsapp. But you need evaluate every feature and cost :)
  4. Take risk and feel it. Don’t too much think about it.
  5. Vending Machine (yeah this familiar in Japan)
  6. I don’t know this availabe or not now. Filtering double or triple. If you know Youtube have copyright filtering and Medium have spam filtering. May you can combine it to one.
  7. Sorting machine, real case example in delivery company. Every packet sorting manually by region. And every courier take long time sorting it seriously.
  8. E-commerce especially for digital product. Like netflix/spotify account. And everyone can sell :) in that place.

While that’s from me :)

